domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Research Project
Like every year the students of second Batxillerat have doing the research project that counts a 10% of the mark of Batxillerat. At the end of the first year you choose the topic, and in my case I have chosen the study of a company, because I am interested in this world and when I finish Batxillerat I will study Business Administration. So I have chosen Garcia de Pou S.A, it is a company in Ordis (Alt Empordà) that manufactures and sells hostelry products not food. Years ago this company was in Figueres, but the company continued evolutioning and for insufficiency of space in 2004 it was moved in to Ordis.
The project is based on a study of different areas of the company, but in particular on the production area, because I met the manager of this area and he provided the information.
In summer I started the project, but as I worked all the holidays I couldn’t do too much.  I really started at the end of the summer, so
Now I am a bit behind. Moreover now it is when I have more exams and so I am stressed, but I think that I will finish the research project. I’m sure I will do it.

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