domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Winging it
Since 1995 a lot of airports in Europe have low-cost flights. An example is Girona, its airport has low-cost flights and this caused that the demand has increased. And this fact has made bigger airports do the same, like the case of Barcelona airport.

In my opinion I agree that there should be low-cost companies because not everybody can afford the price of a plane ticket, moreover these companies do flights anytime of the day or night, and this fact causes that this enterprise obtains more benefits therefore bigger. Normally in this market there is a market monopolist, this means that one company has the power and other companies have to put their prices depending on this company, and with companies at low-coast doing this it isn’t so noticeable. For example in Spain the most important company is Iberia, it has the power, but nowadays this has changed. There are enterprises like Ryanair, which is a low-coast company.
For me this change is best, because I often go to Canarias. If it wasn’t because of these low cost flights I wouldn’t be able to travel so often, so in my opinion it is a very positive and favorable system.

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