domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

The Pianist
Wladyslaw Azplman is the main character of this drama. He is a well known Polish pianist. He lives in Warsaw with his family, they are Polish Jews. When the war starts all the family is sent to a ghetto in Warsaw with other Jews and he earns his living playing the piano in bars and cafes.
Then the family is separated and they are sent to different concentration camps, some of this family dies in the camps.
Wladyslaw escapes from the camp and some people help him to hide. He lives in different apartments and his friends bring him food. After a time, nobody comes and he goes to another house, because the Germans are very near. He hides in this house, but then the Germans come. A Germans captain friends him but he doesn't tell anybody and he gives him some food. Later the Americans and British arrive and the war finishes. Wladyslaw is saved but most of his family has died.
This film won three Oscars; for the best actor, the best director and the best script. In my opinion this is a very interesting film, because it shows us how the Jews lived during the war, but there are scenes that are very shocking. I liked this film because it is about real life and it makes you think a lot. The director of this film was Roman Polanski, he was Polish and he lived in Poland during the Nazi invasion.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Xavi! I think this film is very exciting, so the emotions on it are very typical of this kind of movies. I 've never liked this films, which are promoted for the past of the society and the racism, but I think that this one is a mythical movie that everybody should have seen. Specially because of the main character, who is interpreted for Adrien Brody, who I think that's an atractive and very good actor, because he becomes great on the paper.

    Bye, see you!
