sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

1. My English progress from 2009-2011

I have been studying English since First of Primary School, but the last two years is when I have learnt more.
In First of Batxillerat my first written work was an email to the teacher, where I introduced myself. In this presentation I think that I didn’t have spelling mistakes, but my language wasn’t so well expressed and I used very few connectors. All this, I have improved in my last writings, now I express myself better and use more connectors. I still think that I must improve when I conjugate verbs, because I make mistakes and it is very hard to do.
As for oral presentations, last years it was about snowboarding, where I talked about its history, characteristics, where it is practiced … It was my first oral presentation I was very nervous and this meant that sometimes I read, which was the opposite of my last one when I presented my research project, in addition my pronunciation in the first was not very good and I must still improve. The language of my first presentation wasn’t fluid but now it is correct. However I think that the most important when doing an oral presentation is not to get nervous and I am still like this.

2. My English competence in 2010

If I choose my best oral presentation I would say it was the last oral presentation, when I talked about my research project, called analysis of Garcia de Pou, I chose this because it’s a project that needed a lot of work and it is a subject that I love and I hope to do in the future. In addition in this presentation I think that I had good control my movements and in other presentations. I didn’t the most important thing in the oral presentation was that I spoke very well.
With reference to my best writing I don’t know what to choose because all of them are very similar and there isn’t one that stands out about the others. Despite this I think that I would choose last three news items because I think that the topics that I have chosen are very good.

In conclusion, I recognize that my level of English is fair; I think that it is my fault and also part of the blame is the kind of education system we have.
On the one hand it is my fault because it is very difficult for me to learn languages, and as always, in everything you should try harder. However, on the other hand I think that the education system of English isn’t well organized because we do few hours; I think that in primary school there should be some subjects in English and in this way the level in English of each pupil would be very high and we wouldn’t have problems now.

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